
Hi there.

Welcome to my blog. I tell stories of all experiences along my journeys. AND I even give some words of wisdom. Hope you have a nice browse(:

what am I doing?

what am I doing?

Well alrighty then. It’s about time I start this don’t you think? 

I have put off the start of this blog thing for so so long and I think it is time I just put it out there. 

I made a goal for myself a few years ago. A goal that is a bit of a challenge; visit to 25 countries by age 25. I now have about 2 years to get to about 8 more countries. I then came up with a different challenge recently, to fill the pages in my passport before it expires. It is about halfway full and it expires in six years. Both challenges are fairly similar, but the second gives me a little more leniency. Honestly I’m still going to try to accomplish both if at all possible!!

Obviously this was my plan before the year 2020 hit us like a ton of bricks. I have been sitting on my butt for the past two months without work, unable to really go anywhere like usual. Since August I worked a job that made it possible for me to leave for a week and travel once a month. That all came to a halt mid March, but luckily I was able to get my monthly trip in before the country shut down. I had trips planned for the months of April and May in which I was going to be able to cross a few new countries off my list. Unfortunately and obviously those excursions did not happen. I was supposed to be in Barcelona at the end of April and France the end of May. In the fall I also had tentative plans to tour Asia with a friend where I would hopefully complete challenge number one; 25 countries two years early. The bright side of this is that lucky for me, I refuse to purchase plane tickets more than two months in advance. I mean truthfully I rarely buy them even a month before my departure date. So, on the bright side I did not lose out on any money. (For those of you who stress about my last minuteness, this is a prime example of why I am the way I am).

The plan for this blog is to give you my wanted or unwanted opinion on all things I have experienced in the world of travel. Just because I am stuck in the USA doesn’t mean anything. I still have weddings to attend all over the country, which means more adventures through airports and such. As soon as it is acceptable for me to leave the country again, you can bet your bottom dollar I will be on the first flight out.

Bottom line, I’m here to give my opinion, wanted or not, on things like: planes, trains and automobiles. Hotels, hostels and airbnbs. Suitcases, duffle bags and backpacks. Middle seats, isle seats, and windows seats. Real IDs, passports and fake IDs. Flight attendants, conductors, and gate agents. Boarding and deplaning. Corona, Clorox, and complete idiots. I could go on and on, but you name it I know I'll have something to say as well as a story to go along with it.

As I begin visiting more exciting places again, you can be looking forward to me keeping you updated along the way on all the ups, downs and in-betweens.

If you don’t travel often I hope I can at least inspire you to get out more. And for those that do travel often, I hope you can relate even just a little to my journey.

Stay tuned for more to come!! I’m excited, so I hope you are too!